Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day Weekend 2010

What a great weekend.....The weather finally cooperated.

Mr. I took me to the lake on Saturday, where I saw lots of this....

Which was fantastic.  Then Sunday, The best Son in the World took us on a little adventure. The adventure began with a ride in the van....

Now this van is a fun fun van. You can change in it, sleep in it take all your toys in it, we packed up a change of clothes and off we went to tour downtown Portland .....

That's my boy,  err, man...hmmmm.....grown son. But really how grown can he be? We are still riding bikes!
Anyway, it was so fun, and Mr. I and I learned some new bike shifting techniques from the pro....think of the money we save???

Rest stop on the Esplanade...Handsome guys.

Nice Views...

Now for Brunch at Salty's on the Columbia-

Nice Son-Nice Husband...Thanks so much to both of you.

Goof Balls!

Love MamaBus