Thursday, April 1, 2010

Elephant Pose.....Are you kidding me!!##......

A few years ago I started taking Yoga. I'm probably at the advanced beginner level. I can pretty much hold all the poses or fake my way through it. That said, I really love a good yoga workout. I really feel that all women should consistently take some type of Yoga a couple of time a week no matter what the age.

Now, I have a lot of funny yoga stories, which I will share periodically. But this is my most recent.

On Tuesday, I had the opportunity to pick up a Yoga Class during the day, which with my schedule is rare. So, the instructor was new to me, and the participants were new to me. They all seemed a few years older than me and it was during the day, so I thought I was settling in for a more "mellow" possibly less challenging class. "Nice" I thought. I didn't notice that they all had their own mats, and water bottles, and actual appropriate "Yoga" clothing....I don't know how I missed that.

So it began.....on our hands and knees...a little unusual then to plank...normally this position is reserved to later in the class but the instructor must have been feeling "strong". I glanced over and noticed the woman next to me in perfect position plank, solid with matching yoga ensemble, and as I continued to hold the plank, breaking out in a sweat, I glance down the line of participants, all of them in perfect plank, none of them shaking or trembling. It was then I realized, I was not going to experiance a "mellow" less challenging class. It was then I realized that all the "older" folks were going to out "Yoga" me in a big way.

And so the torture continued, with 50 "Downward facing Dogs" and 25 plank holds, 10 triangle poses with 30 chair poses sprinkled in for good measure. I know I know I'm exagerrating a bit....but not much. I have never sweat like this in a yoga class. I could have used an oxygen tank and medical attention but honest I was trying my best. Then came a little pose she called the "Elephant" and this is how she instructed us.....seated position, legs forward, put your left foot in your hand, lift over your head, place both hands on the ground, and lift your lower body into postion..............Are you kidding me!!!!!#####
I have never been so happy for "corpse" pose in my life. So for fun I included a link that shows the elephant pose. Good Luck trying it. Do not try Alone. And I'm picking up a Yoga class or two or three.

Enjoy your Day! Love Mamabus

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am amazed. My sister the yoga queen. Even though I can't see the video of what it was suppossed to look like, I am sure you did just fine. In your looking at them with that lost look, I am sure they were wondering were you came from also. I can only recall the words of our wonderful grandmother, "oh good Lord."

Buy the way if you ever get a chance to go to yoga with my sister, you should take advantage of the opportunity. Even if it cuts into your nap time you still get a great workout. She has actually inspired my to a few classes on my own, mind you not once or twice a week. Maybe once or twice in a six month period. I am so bad about that.