Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The week before Christmas 2009

I love love love the holidays...........normally.  But I have to say that this year just isn't as magical as most.  I have a couple of friends and close family going through  Loss and hard times.

I just want to make it all right for them but I know that only "they" can make "right" happen. 

Loss.  It almost always means a "loved one".  Husband, Partner, Child, Parent even Pet.  Loss is such a devastating event in our lives. Loss ALWAYS means whom ever we lose, we won't belong to or be seeing or speaking to or living around them in harmony or in the way that we know them.  And that just shakes everything about who we are. We are so connected to each other, as it should be, that when we lose each other it hurts in everyway. Physically, Mentally, Spritually.

It's been awhile since I personally have suffered a loss, but that feeling or sense never goes away does it. And boy do I remember every moment.  We can all relate to it can't we.

Remember the saying "suffered a loss", it truly is suffering isn't it.  The first hours or days of "Loss" are palpable. We can't breathe or think.  We can only feel.  We are distracted and burdened in every way. The hours turn to nights and then to days.  We think about every single moment. Every regret.  Every "what if". We blame ourselves.  We tear apart our hearts.  Sometimes we put away our hearts.

It doesn't seem fair most of the time.  We can't rationalize it. We question who we are. We maybe even try to be something we are not.  Or forget what makes us good and sound. We don't normally realize or understand "the Loss" until far down the road of time.

I want to say to my loves that "down the road of time" seems like forever away.  But I can see it. It's closer than you think. It's over the road to recovery. It's that glimmer on the horizon that is calling you. It's the Spirit calling you. You will replace Loss with Love and Hope.  You will always remember the feeling but you will "Get Over It".  And you will be in a better place believe it or not.

In the meantime, Be true to yourself.  Focus on others.  Put aside your fears and again Focus on others.  You are in heart and soul rehab.  Fill your heart and soul with the work and care it takes for others in your life. This will take away the distraction and dwelling upon your Loss. Put others before yourself and you might find "the horizon" quicker.


PS: check out this youtube-have a little Christmas Cheer.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0-wZqXJl9w


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