Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Spring Break 2010

Spring Break is upon us in one way or another. Even though we don't have the kid around for Spring Break anymore, I always pine for a few days at the beach. Every year, we went to either Seaside, Cannon Beach or Lincoln City. We would stay at hotels with pools or once in a while a beach house. There is something nostalgic about these small Oregon towns that line the coast. As they swell up with families walking the boardwalks in the rain normally.  The arcades packed, the bells and whistles from the machines. The smell of Carmel Corn and Fudge. Occasionally, we would luck out and the weather would be bright blue sky, and blazing white waves. The kids would play for days in the sand. Bathing suits on, even when the water was 50 degrees. Ahhh the memories. The pic above is from Indian Beach a little bit hidden, on the way to Ecola State Park.  Turn right at the entrance to Ecola and travel a mile or so to the parking lot of Indian Beach.  Love this place. Protected and secluded. Great place for a picnic and climbing the rocks and laying on the beach. Take your kids and family there and make some memories. The sunsets are fantastic!


Unknown said...

I remember this beach well, it has created alot of memories that with all the snow in Colorado are very welcomed as we enter what is considered "SPRING". Although our spring will probably be filled with snow for the first two weeks anyways, it is great to know that somewhere in the United States someone is able to celebrate the beauty of spring with a beach. I guess mother nature intended us all to celebrate spring in different ways.

MamaBus said...

beautiful! I love the place. I havent been to the beach in awhile when its been that nice out. Cannon beach is my fav spot for sure!

Garrett Hampton