Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The week before Christmas 2009

I love love love the holidays...........normally.  But I have to say that this year just isn't as magical as most.  I have a couple of friends and close family going through  Loss and hard times.

I just want to make it all right for them but I know that only "they" can make "right" happen. 

Loss.  It almost always means a "loved one".  Husband, Partner, Child, Parent even Pet.  Loss is such a devastating event in our lives. Loss ALWAYS means whom ever we lose, we won't belong to or be seeing or speaking to or living around them in harmony or in the way that we know them.  And that just shakes everything about who we are. We are so connected to each other, as it should be, that when we lose each other it hurts in everyway. Physically, Mentally, Spritually.

It's been awhile since I personally have suffered a loss, but that feeling or sense never goes away does it. And boy do I remember every moment.  We can all relate to it can't we.

Remember the saying "suffered a loss", it truly is suffering isn't it.  The first hours or days of "Loss" are palpable. We can't breathe or think.  We can only feel.  We are distracted and burdened in every way. The hours turn to nights and then to days.  We think about every single moment. Every regret.  Every "what if". We blame ourselves.  We tear apart our hearts.  Sometimes we put away our hearts.

It doesn't seem fair most of the time.  We can't rationalize it. We question who we are. We maybe even try to be something we are not.  Or forget what makes us good and sound. We don't normally realize or understand "the Loss" until far down the road of time.

I want to say to my loves that "down the road of time" seems like forever away.  But I can see it. It's closer than you think. It's over the road to recovery. It's that glimmer on the horizon that is calling you. It's the Spirit calling you. You will replace Loss with Love and Hope.  You will always remember the feeling but you will "Get Over It".  And you will be in a better place believe it or not.

In the meantime, Be true to yourself.  Focus on others.  Put aside your fears and again Focus on others.  You are in heart and soul rehab.  Fill your heart and soul with the work and care it takes for others in your life. This will take away the distraction and dwelling upon your Loss. Put others before yourself and you might find "the horizon" quicker.


PS: check out this youtube-have a little Christmas Cheer.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0-wZqXJl9w


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Lemon Drops and Mount Everest

I have very very cool friends they are always up for new things. 2 of them, let's call them M and N are the best. 

One of our rituals is fancy cocktails. Now we've had several different ones over the years.  This tradition actually started when "M" one summer day suggested I have a Chocolate Martini. Wow, what a nice way to "take the edge off" a summer work week.  Now I'm not a big drinker and neither are they, except maybe "N" but that's just a suspicion. But we have collectively come up with some spectacular cocktails.  Lavender Cosmos, that whole evening warrants a separate post.  16 ounce Mojitos, carefully made by hand, "S" (spouse of N). The Mojito was my favorite until "The Lemon Drop Evening"

Recently, we had a get together at my house as our husbands were having Poker night. I'm not sure where the idea of Lemon Drops came from, I think it was "N" that inspired but I'm not sure.  She will remind me I'm sure when she reads this post.  Anyway.....

I spent Saturday gathering all the ingredients.  Liquor Store....some pitiful folks go there on Saturday morning. Hard Core,  Older, gray around the edges. Back to the story..This cocktail requires Grey Goose Vodka, preferably on sale, 34.99. which I thought was the going price but "N" told me that it was expensive and that there "is much cheaper vodka". (see what I mean?)  Going on..... I was at Safeway and discovered "lemon drop sugar" and "lemon drop Mixer" and simple syrup of lemons. So I purchased the items along with a cute ice cube tray with my favorite shape.

Evening arrived as did "N" and "M".  Now, "M" was late because alledgedly she was at her house "checking out" the poker game set up. "N" and I suspect she was flirting with the poker attendees but we can't prove it.

Once we were settled in I prepared the Lemon Drops, lots of ice, shot of Vodka, 2 Shots of Syrup served in a Lemon Sugar Rimmed Mocha Ice Cream Glasses as I do not have Martini glasses. The effect was the same.

These drinks go down S M O O T H.....I mean S M O O T H.  We were chatting and laughing.  I would recommend these cocktails for any girls night for sure.

Now you might want to know what Mount Everest has to do with Lemon Drop Consumption.
Well, I'll tell you,

"M" declared after the 3rd Lemon Drop that she was interested in climbing Mount Everestt.  Like really interested.  Like she has a website she was following a bunch of climbers on.....she tried to explain herself and plead her case about how serious she was to do it but then I reminded her she doesn't even like to get up before 9am......"N" responded by asking if all the mixer was gone.

Which brings me to this final thought.  I love "M" and "N" and it's good to know that my cocktails can spur so many dreams and aspirations and possible rehab.  Love you both. MamaBus

Ok, Let's Talk about Manners

Common Decency-Respect-Manners, this is my observation-thought of the day.  Is it true that we are only polite to people that we like? Oh wait, that's not true either.  I've seen many folks be impolite to those they say they care about. So what is the state of Manners in 2009.  Do we like each other anymore? Do we like the strangers we pass by or step in front of?  Do we like the strangers we cut in front of on the freeway?

How about at our places of work? How many times have you seen a co-worker talk over, interrupt, gossip others? Do we even notice when we do it ourselves.

I'm going to work on this in the new year.  Having good manners shows respect.  And the world could use some mutual respect in a major way.

And, I'm going to start "liking" folks a bit more.  Hope it makes for a better 2010.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Good Intentions and Turning Points

So I guess I need to take my good intentions, make them a reality and make my own "Turning Points"

Turning Point

Seems life is punctuated with these "slow down" or "Stop, pay attention" moments. I've had a few this year. The most recent is health and wellness. Yes, catchy words, but man, you must have a sense or commitment to them to become old. Did I say "Old"? No...I'm not old, maybe I mean ...."Aged" or what the heck. I don't feel old, but I know in my bones that I need to do something radical to my body to wake it up before........2011.

What happened to Good Intentions

It's lame to start a blog and not blog...don't you think? So I'm going to motivate myself to begin again and I actually have some situations I need to work out..in print, if that makes sense. Time Time Time. It slips away so quickly and you would think with the name of this blog I would be more diligent. Well, I'm not going to berate myself anymore. Let's get started. Ok much has happened since March of 2009.

Monday, March 2, 2009

For my Family

I was thinking today about the sense of chaos around us today. And I am so very grateful for the Family that I have. In a time that seems "out of control" my family is my anchor and rock. I am so very very thankful for my husband, Darryl especially. His nickname is "Mr Incredible", and in everyway he lives up to the name. Anyone that knows our family or is in our family, knows how he comes about his title. I think of "brave" when I think of him lately. He makes me brave. Just a thought.