Thursday, December 3, 2009

Ok, Let's Talk about Manners

Common Decency-Respect-Manners, this is my observation-thought of the day.  Is it true that we are only polite to people that we like? Oh wait, that's not true either.  I've seen many folks be impolite to those they say they care about. So what is the state of Manners in 2009.  Do we like each other anymore? Do we like the strangers we pass by or step in front of?  Do we like the strangers we cut in front of on the freeway?

How about at our places of work? How many times have you seen a co-worker talk over, interrupt, gossip others? Do we even notice when we do it ourselves.

I'm going to work on this in the new year.  Having good manners shows respect.  And the world could use some mutual respect in a major way.

And, I'm going to start "liking" folks a bit more.  Hope it makes for a better 2010.

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