Thursday, December 3, 2009

Lemon Drops and Mount Everest

I have very very cool friends they are always up for new things. 2 of them, let's call them M and N are the best. 

One of our rituals is fancy cocktails. Now we've had several different ones over the years.  This tradition actually started when "M" one summer day suggested I have a Chocolate Martini. Wow, what a nice way to "take the edge off" a summer work week.  Now I'm not a big drinker and neither are they, except maybe "N" but that's just a suspicion. But we have collectively come up with some spectacular cocktails.  Lavender Cosmos, that whole evening warrants a separate post.  16 ounce Mojitos, carefully made by hand, "S" (spouse of N). The Mojito was my favorite until "The Lemon Drop Evening"

Recently, we had a get together at my house as our husbands were having Poker night. I'm not sure where the idea of Lemon Drops came from, I think it was "N" that inspired but I'm not sure.  She will remind me I'm sure when she reads this post.  Anyway.....

I spent Saturday gathering all the ingredients.  Liquor Store....some pitiful folks go there on Saturday morning. Hard Core,  Older, gray around the edges. Back to the story..This cocktail requires Grey Goose Vodka, preferably on sale, 34.99. which I thought was the going price but "N" told me that it was expensive and that there "is much cheaper vodka". (see what I mean?)  Going on..... I was at Safeway and discovered "lemon drop sugar" and "lemon drop Mixer" and simple syrup of lemons. So I purchased the items along with a cute ice cube tray with my favorite shape.

Evening arrived as did "N" and "M".  Now, "M" was late because alledgedly she was at her house "checking out" the poker game set up. "N" and I suspect she was flirting with the poker attendees but we can't prove it.

Once we were settled in I prepared the Lemon Drops, lots of ice, shot of Vodka, 2 Shots of Syrup served in a Lemon Sugar Rimmed Mocha Ice Cream Glasses as I do not have Martini glasses. The effect was the same.

These drinks go down S M O O T H.....I mean S M O O T H.  We were chatting and laughing.  I would recommend these cocktails for any girls night for sure.

Now you might want to know what Mount Everest has to do with Lemon Drop Consumption.
Well, I'll tell you,

"M" declared after the 3rd Lemon Drop that she was interested in climbing Mount Everestt.  Like really interested.  Like she has a website she was following a bunch of climbers on.....she tried to explain herself and plead her case about how serious she was to do it but then I reminded her she doesn't even like to get up before 9am......"N" responded by asking if all the mixer was gone.

Which brings me to this final thought.  I love "M" and "N" and it's good to know that my cocktails can spur so many dreams and aspirations and possible rehab.  Love you both. MamaBus

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