Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Oh My Goodness I didn't Forget all of you, Just had a Week!

I have so missed my blog for a week. I don't even want to review last week. We've all had weeks like that where time is too short and demands too much. Thanks for the inquiries of "Hey where is your blog"

Onto my next thought, err project, err thing for Mr. I to get started. The Garden. Mr. I and I went to get some starts over the weekend. I do this every year where I get them too early. I just get anxious. Anyway, this year I'm all about the Herbs Baby!

I've always wanted to grow an herb garden with all those varieties that you want to get but think how will I use those.

I picked several just for the foliage. Check this out:

Curry- Silvery branchy leaves and swear, it smells just like Indian Curry. It's supposed to get bushy about 18x18.

And this Lemon Balm-Beautiful leaves that smell like-----Lemons----yes, but check it out when you rub the leaves on your arm....viola .Mosquito Repellent.

 And this Lovely Sage....Purple Sage, I think it's just for looks, it looks like velvet and feels like velvet.

Then there's Basil the Queen of all Herbs

 and did I mention much as can be planted. hummmmm,

And finally, some Zinnia seeds. I love Zinnias they are like a Summer Party. Can't forget the Marigolds, they keep away the bad bugs.

Mr. I will be tilling the next couple of days and the veggies go in, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers,

Oh yes, One last thing...the Lilacs are blooming here in my yard in the Great Pacific Northwest: Here are some of mine....Love them. Don't they smell good?

Oh yeah, my blueberries and strawberries
The Dogwoods. I could go on and on.

So, I'll keep you posted. Just pray for warm weather. Oh yes, one more mom sent me this hummingbird chime and I love it. I just want her to know I love it and her. It's actually chiming in this pic. All those who talk with mom in the next couple of days....tell her I blogged her.
Love Mamabus

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well it is about time. I will be happy to tell Mom that you mentioned her and that you are getting good use from her gift. I would love to pray for nice weather only this morning I woke up and there was 2 inches of SNOW on the ground. Go figure this dang Colorado weather.