Friday, September 24, 2010

Butter and all it's Glory

I LOVE and I mean LOVE to Cook and Bake. And I am a "Foodie" for sure. I decided that on Fridays I would post an "ingredient" blog. I know, it's 9:15 pm, what can I say the day got away with me. I'll try to make it earlier next Friday.

Anyway....all cooks have a thing for "Butter". Butter makes everything better. Sauces, eggs, toast, cakes, cookies, steaks, I could go on and on. It's natural, no additives and I can't help but think that in moderation is actually good for you. Feel Better? I do. Life would be terrible without butter. I guess the food would be as well.

I shop at Winco. You know the "bag it yourself" beg people to go with you kind of grocery store. In the old days Winco or "Cub Foods" didn't have much of a selection but in the past 5 years they have really expanded the grocery area and sell more "local" foods than Safeway or Albertsons. At least that's what I have noticed. And I have really embraced the "Local Organic" food craze. I just feel better using my food dollars for the local economy whenever possible. And it's healthier for sure.

Which brings me to Butter. Winco carries a brand of Butter called "Rose Valley", it's made in McMinnville Oregon. Established in 1931 during the depressions by means of a "cooperative" of the dairy farmers. I love this butter for a lot of reasons.

The packaging, I love the paper container and the way the butter is packaged in wax wrappers and cubed in a long thin shape that is easier to use when cooking and baking and cuts better for table use. I love the Price. About $1.25 less than the next brand of butter that begins with a "T" and ends with a "K". The taste is noticeably sweeter to me, and very creamy, natural almost white in color.

So look for it in the dairy case at Winco. I know sounds like a commercial. But Butter is the start of many a tasty dish at my house. Give it a try.

Love Mamabus

1 comment:

Unknown said...

All I can say is Paula Deen would be so proud!!!! But I am also, I am going to try to find it here, I doubt it but if not can you send me some, if it does not melt first. Love you J