Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 2 Leaving Key Largo headed to Key West

I am falling in love with the Keys. We spent the night in Key Largo, which is considered the "Upper Keys" today we head west to Key West over many long long bridges over the Atlantic. It is beautiful. There are the coolest beach bungalos that sit off highway 1. Hidden by Palm Trees and Mangroves they are truly like a postcard. We ate at a cool place call "Mrs. Mac's Kitchen" food was again....fantastic. I swear you can't get bad food here. Even the littlest dive serves fresh catch each day. Another Point of Interest we saw before leaving Key Largo was the "African Queen". You know, the boat in the Humphrey Bogart Katherine Hepburn movie. It's stored at the Marina in Key Largo.
The African Queen, Mr. Aulnaught

Then we headed to Key West. Now there was a Tropical Storm warning, but I have to say we did not even notice. There were a few clouds but it was 82 degrees and 100% humidity and it was a gorgeous day. to be on the road. The storm did hit the Key  Largo area last night but we were already in Key West by then which had a little rain overnight but that was it.  Now the reason for this is as follows.  88 years ago Sister M. Louis Gabriel had a vision of protection over Key West to protect it from the "Havoc of Hurricanes" Since then Key West has not suffered a direct hit from a hurricane. And that's the truth. Period. I just report the facts. I will be visiting her grave at the Grotto of St. Mary Star of the Sea on Truman Avenue to pay my respects. So, as I blog this Wednesday morning in Key West it is Blue Sky White Puffy Clouds and 92 degrees, 100% humidity. My skin has never been so supple and my hair has never been this much of a wreck.

Anyway, we arrived yesterday and started exploring Key West. We went down to Duval Street for dinner which is probably the equivalent of the French Quarter in New Orleans although I never been there. Lots of really beautiful architecture that French Inspired, beautiful foliage line the street that is filled with bar after tavern after bar after restaurant and more bars. Cool tricky shops, cigar rolling and typical pirate behavior is all around you. Nighttime was filled with colorful characters and a party atmosphere. And it was a Tuesday. Woo Hoo. 

This place was on Eisenhower Blvd. You can pick your boat like being at a Costco. "I'll take that one and one of you have that in blue?

This is the one Mr. I chose.

Oh yes, beautiful roosters roam everywhere here.

Duval Street and "Caroline's" for dinner

This homes have statues mixed in with the beautiful palms and tropical foliage.
Hopefully, tomorrow we will fish and snorkel. Stay tuned. Muah! Love MamaBus

Monday, September 27, 2010

Ok 2nd report from key largo....i have discovered CONCH!

Tonight we went to dinner at a great place , COCONUTS. I ordered conch chowder and conch strips. May I have moment......this is the best new food experience ever. Currently became my number one protein . Only one problem you can only get it here. So I guess I have to move. Tomorrow I'm going to try it raw oh yeah babe! Signing off from key largo. Muah! Love mamabus
Posted from Blogium for iPhone

Reporting to you from Key Largo Florida

You really know your on vacation when you take pics like this. 90 degrees 100% humidity but sheer heaven.

Not a cloud in the sky, some folks were concerned we would run into hurricane weather, but none here.

Look at these sweetie pies. Plumaria

Yes, we flew all night and drove a couple hours to get to Key Largo to begin our 30 year wedding anniversary celebration. Headed for Key West in the morning, We'll sleep good tonight after some sun and adult beverages. I guess we don't look so bad....

Muah! to all of you.

Love Mamabus

Friday, September 24, 2010

Pecans from where?????

I've been blogging from my vacation this week and since Friday is ingredient blog day I prepped this last week before I left. Very organized huh?

This week's ingredient is Nuts. Specifically Pecans.

Last month I went to Alamogordo New Mexico. Alamogordo is fast becoming famous for it's Pecans and Pistachios. Apparently this area of New Mexico is perfect for growing these nuts. The Pecans have a really distinctive taste and texture. Now you would think a pecan is a pecan is a pecan. New Mexico Pecans are thinner and longer than the regular pecans I'm used to. The taste is less "oily"? I think that's what i mean. Anyway, I tasted some on an ice cream sundae and WOW.

I packed some home and I'm almost through my stash but see the link. I can order more. Oh yes, and Pistachios and wine are grown and that building sized Pistachio sits outside the store. Here's the link if your interested.

Love Mama Bus

Butter and all it's Glory

I LOVE and I mean LOVE to Cook and Bake. And I am a "Foodie" for sure. I decided that on Fridays I would post an "ingredient" blog. I know, it's 9:15 pm, what can I say the day got away with me. I'll try to make it earlier next Friday.

Anyway....all cooks have a thing for "Butter". Butter makes everything better. Sauces, eggs, toast, cakes, cookies, steaks, I could go on and on. It's natural, no additives and I can't help but think that in moderation is actually good for you. Feel Better? I do. Life would be terrible without butter. I guess the food would be as well.

I shop at Winco. You know the "bag it yourself" beg people to go with you kind of grocery store. In the old days Winco or "Cub Foods" didn't have much of a selection but in the past 5 years they have really expanded the grocery area and sell more "local" foods than Safeway or Albertsons. At least that's what I have noticed. And I have really embraced the "Local Organic" food craze. I just feel better using my food dollars for the local economy whenever possible. And it's healthier for sure.

Which brings me to Butter. Winco carries a brand of Butter called "Rose Valley", it's made in McMinnville Oregon. Established in 1931 during the depressions by means of a "cooperative" of the dairy farmers. I love this butter for a lot of reasons.

The packaging, I love the paper container and the way the butter is packaged in wax wrappers and cubed in a long thin shape that is easier to use when cooking and baking and cuts better for table use. I love the Price. About $1.25 less than the next brand of butter that begins with a "T" and ends with a "K". The taste is noticeably sweeter to me, and very creamy, natural almost white in color.

So look for it in the dairy case at Winco. I know sounds like a commercial. But Butter is the start of many a tasty dish at my house. Give it a try.

Love Mamabus

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Rocks, love them, Words, love them.

I came across this pic I took in July up in orcas island. These rocks were displayed in a box at a gift shop .

Posted from Blogium for iPhone

Fall is Here

I'll miss you Summer!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Bingo Bingo

 Seriously, How Cute are They.

Recently I went to visit my parents, Ron and Mary Ann. I lovingly tell folks that my parents are
"hiding out" in a small town in  New Mexico. "Hiding Out" meaning they really, really want to live their life without interference from the "outside". The "outside" meaning their kids.

Now don't get me wrong. They love the "outside" very very much. And they  miss the "outside". And love it when "the outside" comes to visit. Let's just say that I am certain that we completely cramp their style when we visit.

They have a routine. All meals and appointments happen at an exact time every day.  They have 2 hobbies. My mom's is Bingo and Dad's is Bingo and the Casino oh yes and scratch offs.

They absolutely love to take their kids to Bingo when the kids come to visit. Bingo Halls should come with a Surgeon General warning label. The smoke is so thick that I'm sure it would be equivalent to smoking a half pack. Now who wants their parents breathing that air? They are NOT smokers, How do they stand it?

Well, my mom has the trick. She uses Vick's Vapo Rub under her nose and "Voila" no smoke. I tried it and it actually worked. She's a Pro.

Yes, They love their life the way it is and I really wish they didn't. Does that make sense? I realized on this trip that they won't go "outside" to live. I realized that they really want to have their life their way. This is a big problem for us on the "outside". I don't know what we'll be able to do if anything.

I am grateful for a few things though. I'm grateful for that little town in New Mexico with it's relative safety. And wide roads to accommodate Dad's driving. And that the cable company offers "Walker Texas Ranger and Deal or No Deal" reruns. I'm grateful for the Senior Centers and I'm grateful that everyone in town knows them.

They always leave me with a lot to think about...Yes that Ron and Mary Ann.

Love MamaBus-Andrew I will be living in your basement. Just so you know.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Dahlia Crazy

Today I went to Bizi Farms. It's a great farm in town here that raise fresh veggies, berries, herbs, flowers. Some of the Flowers are U-Pick, so I spent some time in the west lot browsing for Dahlias. I tell you I am Crazy for them. All are unique, small to extremely large. Different shapes colors, Seriously they are fabulous in every way. They are .50 cents a stem and I allowed my self 10. I can't express how happy they make me feel. Isn't that funny. That something like flowers can make a feeling of peace and harmony. Maybe that's one of the reasons God made flowers. Just to make us happy. And I don't think this is just a girl thing either. I think guys like them just as much no matter how macho the man.

So here is the most impressive one.....This is my dinner plate, 11 inches across

This is a Dahlia
Note you can barely see the plate

Oh yes, I also found a very impressive cauliflower now you probably thinking vegetables aren't normally "impressive" Check this out....

Interesting pumpkin, squash color. Can't wait to taste it.

And finally the last of the "miracles" for the day

This hummer is new to the feeder, and he is emerald green, so bright he "flashes" when he flies. Yes, today was full of miracles. I'm sure all of you experienced at least one today. Thanks be to God.

Love Mamabus

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Mamabus Zucchini Pickles

This year gardening was weird. The weather was weird especially in June. Too cold and too rainy. then when good weather hit, it only last about 5 weeks. not enough to turn tomatoes etc. Even Zucchini, which normally is so prolific that it's given away on street corners, only produced 5 zucchini. Since that was my best crop so far this year I needed a good way to use it.  Then my friend "M" made some fantastic "Dill Pickles" and that inspired me to develop this Zucchini Pickles recipe. It has green Zucchini, yellow Zucchini, lemon, garlic, white onion, Dill, red pepper, shallots, Vinegars, sugar, Salt and a refrigerator. Turns out these pickles are fantastic. They go with anything....hamburgers, hot dogs, hearty bread and goat cheese, turkey burgers, omelets, fish, chicken I could go on and on. Lo Cal and healthy. Pretty on the Table.

So if you'd like a jar. Just give me a call or email me and I'll hook you up with a jar. The offer is good until I run out of jars. Love ya, Mamabus.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

This is a test of modern technology. I can post my blog from my phone....if this works, truly amazing. Lets pause a moment and really soak this in.

Mamabus-from the age of party lines

Senior Living with Lucky

When I cook, I have a habit of leaving the fridge door open while gathering the ingredients for whatever I am cooking. The other night while moving about the kitchen I turned around to this.  Now I have a Senior age dog. Most of you know him as Lucky. He has been doing very odd things the past year. This is one of them, he had slid one of his dishes and positioned one of his babies in front of the fridge.

Then his brought in another dish, his "blue" one and note he is giving the fridge the once over just in case there might be something he could pick up at his eye level.

"Hey mamabus, how bout some dinner??? Can you whip up something for my friend too?"

Lucky turned 16 on labor day, he's like any other "Senior". He must eat on time. The food must be warm. People food is better than dog food any day. Hurry up so he can take a nap......yes indeed.

Love Mamabus

Back to Blogging...."I know what I did this Summer" (movie reference)

Well hello all, It's been awhile. I promise I will never leave blogging for this long again! It has been quite a few months so let's catch up, well I left you on Mother's Day, which lead to Father's Day and Summer. Mr. I got a new bike from son and now he commutes to work by bike. It was a great month, June of 2010. Filled with fun but not much sunshine.

Then...on June 30th. I was laid off from my job.  Now I know it seems like it would be a bad thing....but we knew it was coming so we have been making the best of it. The job market is pretty dry right now, but it will improve, so for now, we just enjoyed the this.....The beautiful Oregon Coast Fourth of July weekend.

SurfTides Inn Lincoln City
Then the flowers of Summer, Dahlias from the Farmer's Market in Vancouver
then our adventure to Port Townsend, where we sailed a 100 ft sailboat, with help of course.
MR. I had sooo much fun
Beautiful Day
Beautiful Sunset

then August came, and I made a trip to New Mexico to see my Mom and Dad and Sister and her husband Alex.

As you can see, I am reluctant to travel alone
But I'm OK once I'm with my "Peeps"
Nirvana for Ron and Mary, Bingo and Daughters
I forgot how beautiful the clouds are in New Mexico
And how flowers stand out....
And the Sleeping Lady
And the Sweeties
New Mexico Landscape
Road to Home

Now there is much more detail to all of these adventures coming in future blogs, but I really just wanted to give a "broad stroke" for today.

And speaking of today.....Can I just say....Life is really really Good.
MR. I and Andrew Commuting
Much Love MamaBus