Thursday, September 16, 2010

Dahlia Crazy

Today I went to Bizi Farms. It's a great farm in town here that raise fresh veggies, berries, herbs, flowers. Some of the Flowers are U-Pick, so I spent some time in the west lot browsing for Dahlias. I tell you I am Crazy for them. All are unique, small to extremely large. Different shapes colors, Seriously they are fabulous in every way. They are .50 cents a stem and I allowed my self 10. I can't express how happy they make me feel. Isn't that funny. That something like flowers can make a feeling of peace and harmony. Maybe that's one of the reasons God made flowers. Just to make us happy. And I don't think this is just a girl thing either. I think guys like them just as much no matter how macho the man.

So here is the most impressive one.....This is my dinner plate, 11 inches across

This is a Dahlia
Note you can barely see the plate

Oh yes, I also found a very impressive cauliflower now you probably thinking vegetables aren't normally "impressive" Check this out....

Interesting pumpkin, squash color. Can't wait to taste it.

And finally the last of the "miracles" for the day

This hummer is new to the feeder, and he is emerald green, so bright he "flashes" when he flies. Yes, today was full of miracles. I'm sure all of you experienced at least one today. Thanks be to God.

Love Mamabus

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