Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Senior Living with Lucky

When I cook, I have a habit of leaving the fridge door open while gathering the ingredients for whatever I am cooking. The other night while moving about the kitchen I turned around to this.  Now I have a Senior age dog. Most of you know him as Lucky. He has been doing very odd things the past year. This is one of them, he had slid one of his dishes and positioned one of his babies in front of the fridge.

Then his brought in another dish, his "blue" one and note he is giving the fridge the once over just in case there might be something he could pick up at his eye level.

"Hey mamabus, how bout some dinner??? Can you whip up something for my friend too?"

Lucky turned 16 on labor day, he's like any other "Senior". He must eat on time. The food must be warm. People food is better than dog food any day. Hurry up so he can take a nap......yes indeed.

Love Mamabus

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