Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Bingo Bingo

 Seriously, How Cute are They.

Recently I went to visit my parents, Ron and Mary Ann. I lovingly tell folks that my parents are
"hiding out" in a small town in  New Mexico. "Hiding Out" meaning they really, really want to live their life without interference from the "outside". The "outside" meaning their kids.

Now don't get me wrong. They love the "outside" very very much. And they  miss the "outside". And love it when "the outside" comes to visit. Let's just say that I am certain that we completely cramp their style when we visit.

They have a routine. All meals and appointments happen at an exact time every day.  They have 2 hobbies. My mom's is Bingo and Dad's is Bingo and the Casino oh yes and scratch offs.

They absolutely love to take their kids to Bingo when the kids come to visit. Bingo Halls should come with a Surgeon General warning label. The smoke is so thick that I'm sure it would be equivalent to smoking a half pack. Now who wants their parents breathing that air? They are NOT smokers, How do they stand it?

Well, my mom has the trick. She uses Vick's Vapo Rub under her nose and "Voila" no smoke. I tried it and it actually worked. She's a Pro.

Yes, They love their life the way it is and I really wish they didn't. Does that make sense? I realized on this trip that they won't go "outside" to live. I realized that they really want to have their life their way. This is a big problem for us on the "outside". I don't know what we'll be able to do if anything.

I am grateful for a few things though. I'm grateful for that little town in New Mexico with it's relative safety. And wide roads to accommodate Dad's driving. And that the cable company offers "Walker Texas Ranger and Deal or No Deal" reruns. I'm grateful for the Senior Centers and I'm grateful that everyone in town knows them.

They always leave me with a lot to think about...Yes that Ron and Mary Ann.

Love MamaBus-Andrew I will be living in your basement. Just so you know.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So I am the younger sister. I live only 3 hours away from my parents, I do not visit as much as I would like to. When I do visit, I love to see my Mom and Dad, but then I am ready to go home in order to avoid the frustration. So my sister is right, however, I feel like my parents have earned that right, after all they are the moma and the papa and as their children have we not been doing what we want dispite their feeling for YEARS!!! That came to me over the past week or so, it kinda has helped to ease the frustration. So the only other thing I can say is live life to the fullest each day....something we should all do and pray that it is the right thing for God's will. After all that is why we are able to make the crazy or distrubing descisions on a day to day basis. Anyways Diana I do love ya and since mom thinks computers are evil I do not have to worry about her reading this.....and andrew.....If I ever get a basement, your mom has an option of where she would like to go crazy.