Friday, September 24, 2010

Pecans from where?????

I've been blogging from my vacation this week and since Friday is ingredient blog day I prepped this last week before I left. Very organized huh?

This week's ingredient is Nuts. Specifically Pecans.

Last month I went to Alamogordo New Mexico. Alamogordo is fast becoming famous for it's Pecans and Pistachios. Apparently this area of New Mexico is perfect for growing these nuts. The Pecans have a really distinctive taste and texture. Now you would think a pecan is a pecan is a pecan. New Mexico Pecans are thinner and longer than the regular pecans I'm used to. The taste is less "oily"? I think that's what i mean. Anyway, I tasted some on an ice cream sundae and WOW.

I packed some home and I'm almost through my stash but see the link. I can order more. Oh yes, and Pistachios and wine are grown and that building sized Pistachio sits outside the store. Here's the link if your interested.

Love Mama Bus


Unknown said...

YUM! Sounds like you are having an awesome trip :)

Anonymous said...

nice documentation of the trip and cool food...