Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day 4 Jet Ski's My new Love I want one for Christmas, Yamaha, Red Oh yeah baby

 This day was Fantastic. We rented Jet Ski's which I have always wanted to do. I learned how to handle them quickly and I have to say It Was The Most Fun EVER! We toured around the entire island of Key West going though the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic ocean. It was beautiful and exhilarating. There aren't many pics which I'm sad I didn't get one of me on my new favorite toy "Yamaha". Man oh man what a day. Oh yeah, Mr. I had fun too.

All the excitement lead to this.....

And this. My Yamaha in the background.
Key West is the Best. Love always, Mamabus

1 comment:

Donna Parsley said...

Wow! Jet skiing must be really fun. It's just sad that I never experienced riding one. Is it really easy to learn how to handle one? If it is, then I'll consider renting one for my next beach experience.