Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Last Day in Key West

Today is Snorkel and Pool day on the keys. Tomorrow we drive to the airport and head home. So today we want to chill by the pool, do a little shopping and we booked a snorkel/sunset trip that sails about 10 miles out to the 3rd largest Coral Reef in the World. Now, I love love to snorkel, and Mr. I hates hates to be on the open sea, so he is really sacrificing to come with me on this trip. We met the nicest family from Uruguay, I love it when you have to really work to communicate. They really love America and it reminds me of how much being an American is longed for by most folks in the world. "Daniel" said to me "It is my dream to live in America" Exact words.  The snorkeling was Awesome, and the Sunset that night was the most beautiful Sunset I have seen in 53 years of living. No kidding. So Enjoy some pics...... 

Key Lime Pie is eaten everyday every place has their own, Yummy.

Preparing to Snorkel



Oh Man....

Seriously, the most beautiful Sunset ever.

Wish this was our boat.

Rum Reggae


Snorkel Site

Happy Couple

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