Monday, October 11, 2010

Fav Ingredient and Equipment.....Carrot Cake Bliss Want One?

This morning it was cold. Fall cold. Which always makes me feel like baking. So I decided I would bake a carrot cake. The reason why?  I  don't like Carrot Cake. I only like Chocolate Cake. I have strong opinions when it comes to cake. So, if I made one, I figure Mr. I and Mini Bus would eat it and I would get the baking bug satisfied. Oh yes,  And I would be able to use the attachment I've never used on my food processor. So, with all the benefits and no calories all I needed was a recipe. The first thing I did was try the shredder on my food processor. Oh yeah baby. Shear perfection. No mess, No hassle And the color of the carrots...Fall isn't it?

I've been on a Whole Wheat kick lately and wanted to use Whole Wheat flour. So I pulled out the bag. Which is my new favorite ingredient.

Now Bob's Red Mill Products are F A B U L O U S! Local Company and I hope they are making millions. Their products are healthy, whole grain based. They are always coming out with something new. I've used their Flax products and spices but my current favorite is the Whole Wheat Pastry Flour. Again, at Winco, this was marked down $2.48. The quality is A++++++. The best part of this product is it's address. 13521 SE Pheasant Court Milwaukie, Oregon  97222. I LOVE LOCAL.

On the back of the bag is the best recipe for Carrot Cake from the Grand Prize Winner of the Bob's Red Mill Natural Foods Baking Contest , Nola Silver of Seattle Washington.

Instead of using the cream cheese frosting I sprinkled Turbanado Sugar (Raw Sugar) when it was hot out of the oven. Cuts the sugar and fat, but adds some crunch. Oh yes, it has a secret ingredient, crushed pineapple.

Ok, so the cake was cooling and when the sugar went on it looked So I made a cup of hot tea and went to another room. Then I had to walk through the kitchen and noticed the smell of the cake and the sugar was "sparkling" at me. So, I continued to walk to the knife drawer and cut the cake. It was cooling after all. Then I .....I....

 Ok...... I ate a piece. And it was F A N T A S T I C! Dense, Moist, whole grain and good for you. Especially with the tea. And the crunch of the sugar...heaven. So I figured out why I didn't care for Carrot Cake, I think the frosting was too much and the cake was never this dense and moist.  This might be an even better cake than a chocolate cake........Nahhhh. but it is really really good. 

If you want me to make you one. Email or Comment and I whip one up for you.

Love, MamaBus

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am surprized that you did not take the center piece, like always. I am glad you are venturing into new ideas this looks delicious.