Monday, March 22, 2010

2 Thoughts Spring and Summer

I am loving this years change of season. But I can't make up my mind which I like better. Clematis is just starting to pop and then comes Summer.

Now my list for Spring is about a Mile Long.  And I have promised myself that I am not allowed to begin Summer until that list is completed. Wonder how that's gonna go....


Paint upstairs hallway
Install upstairs light fixtures
Paint Master Bedroom
Have a garage sale
Sell stuff on Craigslist
Organize a new office 
Clean and Seal Deck for the Year
Till existing garden
Add another plot to existing garden
Finish Trim on House
Paint Front Porch
Have carpets cleaned yet again
Clean Windows-All of the Windows
Hang some pics I've been wanting to hang
Paint inside of Master Bedroom Closet
Complete reorganization of Master Bedroom Closet

My stomach is hurting. I could list at least 20 more things.  Hmmm, I need to rethink this. 

I'm sure we all have lists and not enough time to complete them. Check in with me in the Fall. We'll see how it goes.

I'll Keep you posted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i really enjoy all your writing choice, very interesting.
don't quit and keep posting in all honesty , because it just nicely to read it,
excited to find out a lot more of your own stories, cheers :)