Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Mom and Dad-Please Comment I need your Help

I could probably have an entire blog dedicated to Mom and Dad. Really, they are a full time handful. They are partners in crime for sure.  They've been married 54 years. Those numbers don't come up much now a days. They are a handful because since they live in a different state and city....they do what they want....and their children are ALWAYS the last to know....."IF"... and that's a big "IF" we ever find out. We will probably never fully know their escapades. (I'll discuss this in future posts) Anyway, I was thinking about them all day today. Cause my dad is a fisherman and he had a fall at the fishing hole. Pretty bad, he cut his face. He probably shouldn't have been up there on his own but there are only a couple of activities that he has some freedom.  He said, "nobody helps each other anymore" he said that because there were 2 other fishermen on the bank that never even came over to help him up. (Artificial hip and all). Is this possible is my question? Is it possible that people really don't care about each other anymore? Who wouldn't help that face? Ok, I'm getting mad now. So please what do you think?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ok ok I have to admit I am the one who suggested that Dad go fishing, However I did suggest that he take someone with him. Being a good samaritan is a tough job now a days as you are responsible for your actions even if you have the best intentions at heart. However in this case I totally agree that someone should have helped him, as this is just a common courtesy to another human being. The golden rule in life is definately not followed in the world, I just know that I always try to help when can because it's called good KARMA