Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patrick's Day-Wearing of the Green

Love St. Patrick's Day. No preparations, No gifts to buy, all I have to do is wear some green. The gentleman above is Ken-Mr. I's dad.  He passed away in 1991. Now, he was a guy that knew how to have some fun at the drop of a hat. Miss him.

Some St.Patrick's Day Trivia just in case you need to know:

St. Patrick is the patron Saint of Ireland. It is mostly a Catholic Holiday (I'm in luck, I'm Catholic) but what's great is that on this day anyone can be Irish/Catholic for a day. He used The clover

 to explain to pre-christian Irish folk, the trinity, Father-Son-Holy Spirit. That's also the reason for "Wearing the Green" (same as a shamrock).

And in Argentina....
especially in Buenos Aires, all-night long parties are celebrated in designated streets, since the weather is comfortably warm in March. People dance and drink only beer throughout the night, until seven or eight in the morning, and although the tradition of mocking those who do not wear green does not exist, most people would wear something green. In Buenos Aires, the party is held in downtown street Reconquista, where there are several Irish pubs;in 2006, there were 50,000 people in this street and the pubs nearby.

Not to mention the beloved Irish Americans that will cook cabbage and drink Guinness until dawn.

So that's your St.Patty's lesson for the day.  A special shout out my Irish friends the "Perkins" at least I think their of Irish ancestry. Celtic/Welsh. Heck I need to check that out, anyway, maybe I'll bring you some green cookies.

Which means "Allegiance to Ireland" Love how this sounds when you say it.


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