Thursday, March 4, 2010


Mr. I has an answer for any physical or mental thing that goes wrong for those over the age of 40. People or Animals. It's called A-G-E. He spells it out at those moments when there is no answer for the "word" that cannot remembered. Or the old dog that won't respond to his regular call to "get up" or "move". Or the "love handles" or "wrinkles" that appear overnight. Or falling down stairs when you haven't fallen since you were 12.

It's so appropriate. Perfect. I'll say "Why did you do that?" or "It was on the list" or "I thought I told you that?"  "A-G-E" He responds. It answers it all. A-G-E = understandable.  Everyone would understand.
Except of course those under age 40.

Yes, for them the answer and reason is always O-L-D.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

ok so when asked to comment on this blog...I ponder....I suppose that the time has come to blame our misfortunes in life on AGE. Mostly because there is nothing else left to blame it on....My opinion is that age is a stereotype that everyone expects we you are old or "over the hill" you become incapable to making the proper choices, somehow having to grow up all over again. With people constantly giving you advise about what those choices should be.... as if we do not already know. A-G-E vs O-L-D does there really need to be a winner?