Thursday, March 25, 2010

It's Come to My Attention--Err---I Mean... Mr. "I" has brought it to My Attention....

A couple of posts ago I made a list of Spring Cleaning Projects that I wanted to get done. Mr. "I" only occasionally checks this blog and when he did yesterday he pointed out that 2 things had to be added to the list. In addition, He mentioned that the list is actually "His" list as each item would be a project I would defer to him.  I said "No honey" that can't be true. He said "well let's just go down the list"....


Paint upstairs hallway-Mr. "I"always does the painting. Apparently I am only capable of painting large spaces with no edge.Which I am more than happy to help with.
Install upstairs light fixtures-Mr. "I" always does electrical, I'm only allowed to find the tools not use them.
Paint Master Bedroom-  Mr. "I" always does the painting. Apparently I am only capable of painting large spaces with no edge.I'll pick out the paint and help with all large spaces.
Have a garage sale-Now this I can do! Mr. "I" can go fishing.
Sell stuff on Craigslist-Now this I can do!
Organize a new office -Now this I can do! 
Clean and Seal Deck for the Year-Mr "I" always does outdoor projects. But I can plant and point and clean the brushes.
Till existing garden-Mr "I" always does outdoor projects. But I can plant and point.and pick the veggies and flowers for the house.
Add another plot to existing garden-Mr "I" always does outdoor projects. But I can plant and point. and purchase all the starts, I just love that.
Finish Trim on House-Mr. "I" always does the painting. Apparently I am only capable of painting large spaces with no edge.
Paint Front Porch-Mr. "I" always does the painting. Apparently I am only capable of painting large spaces with no edge.Also no "high" place painting for me.
Have carpets cleaned yet again-Oh yeah, I hire this out.Love Aquacare guys.
Clean Windows-All of the Windows-Oh yes I hire this out too.St Marys window cleaning. Although Mr. "I" thinks it's a waste and he can do it. Which is true but he really doesn't have the time to devote what with the rest of the list.
Hang some pics I've been wanting to hang-Mr. "I" hangs all pictures, again I am allowed to find the tools and point to where the pic will go.
Paint inside of Master Bedroom Closet-Mr. "I" said I might be able to handle this but he doesn't see me doing it, he sees he doing it.
Complete reorganization of Master Bedroom Closet-This I can do.Love this part of a project

Added to the list by Mr. "I"-

Clean the Garage-Now Mr. "I" has been stalling on this one. I would actually be happy to do it. Plus all the painting. I would love to take this on but I don't think he'll let me.
Finish shed-Again, Mr "I" always does outdoor projects. But I can plant and point.

Now this brings me to a couple of conclusions. 

1.Man I do really depend on this man to "Make It Happen" and I just want everyone to know how much I appreciate all the money and time he saves me and the family. And I so appreciate all the "Lists" that he has tackled throughout the years.

2. Honey I know fishing/camping season is coming up and if you could please get these items done on this list by say June 1...that way we can go play all summer on the boat.... Love you Mr. "I". Love Mamabus

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You guys are CRAZY!!!!!
But I will say, that you should be lucky he will even look at the list.

If I made a list like that my husband would say that I was CRAZY!!!