Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Thinking about Change

This is Mt. St.Helens. An active Volcano in my backyard here in Washington State. The new Spirit Lake pictured was made by the eruption on May 18, 1980. Incredible event. This photo was taken by Mr I. the summer after the eruption in the Red Zone. We weren't supposed to be up there. But glad we were. The area to the right (the light brown area) is actually a huge log jam with an estimate of a billion board feet of lumber trees. Blown during the eruption.  Now that's some change, considering it used to be the top and side of a mountain. I was 24 years old when the Volcano erupted. You do the math.   

Anyway, This is a physical representation of how I'm feeling about making some changes this year. But I don't want it to take 23 years. When I was 24, I guess I had all the time in the world. But now when change needs to happen. I need to make it happen Pronto!

I guess we learn that with age. I'll be making some physical and mental changes this year. Probably nothing that folks will notice, but I will. I'm working on preparing for the coming "Glory" years.

So, I came up with an idea.  There is a trail that circles the circumference of the volcano. They say it takes a day and a half. I think I'll hike it. A metaphor for life...instead of climbing the mountain, I go around it, the long way. That is so me.

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